go to stack "full-path/Stack1.rev"

and in another place

go to stack "full-path/Stack2.rev"

Now, both Stack1.rev and Stack2.rev get displayed ok. They both have close boxes. When I press the Close Box on Stack1.rev when running from the IDE it displays the IDE "Do you want to save this stack?" dialog, but it doesn't for Stack2.rev.

I've tried to spot the differences between them, but there doesn't *seem* to be any real difference. They have similar controls on them and similar scripts.

1. Why does it happen? I would guess that something in the scripts (open or preOpen stack or card) is changing something (a field, a button hilite, a custom property) so the IDE thinks you have changed something.

2. How to stop it happening? When I get sick of this happening in the IDE, I remove the close box and replace it with a Close button that saves the stack and then closes it. This avoids the problem while in the IDE, but even so, you would be much better to use a standalone for your demo. If you are actually demoing the IDE, then a Save stack dialog will be expected. If you are demoing an application, then you don't need to have the IDE running at the same time.


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