On 4/27/04 3:55 PM, David Burgun wrote:

Ok, it's a bit worse than that, it seems that the "openField" message gets sent just because the field is "Focusable" not because the user clicked in it, I am guessing that it gets sent to the first "Focusable" field of a card, although I just cannot figure out why this happens in one stack and not another! Anyone know?

Yes. The first control (that is, the control with the lowest layer) which also has its traversalOn property set to true will automatically be focused when a card opens. If this is a button, you won't get the message. If it is an editable field, you will.

Since all controls on Windows can be focused, the trick is to make sure that the lowest-level, traversalOn control is a button. On a Mac, however, buttons cannot receive focus and the first editable field will receive focus instead. On Macs, you have to use a hack -- either make sure none of your fields are focusable, or else hide an editable field offscreen somewhere whose layer is set to 1. Then that hidden field gets the focus and your card looks untouched.

For your problem though, the hack won't help because the offscreen field will receive focus and trigger messages anyway. So you may just have to go with the openField handler you wrote.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software           |     http://www.hyperactivesw.com
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