I found the initialization file that changes all the $PATHS on the terminal, it's:


The other file I mentioned first is by the Fink Project, so, only Fink users will have, but this one (login) ships with every mac, and is invoked by ~/.login ... I'll paste it's content here:

# Wilfredo Sanchez Jr. | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
# Dec. 5, 1990
# MIT Project Athena
# ORIGINAL SOURCES: /usr/athena/lib/login
#               and /usr/prototype_user/.login (ATHENA REL 7.2)

# Set paths
set path = (                                                    \
                ~/bin                                           \
                /usr/local/bin /usr/bin /bin                    \
                /usr/local/sbin /usr/sbin /sbin                 \

if ($?version) then
  if ("$version" =~ tcsh*) then
    set path = ( "~/bin/${MACHTYPE}-${VENDOR}-${OSTYPE}" $path )

setenv MANPATH "${HOME}/man:/usr/local/share/man:/usr/share/man"

if (-r "${tcsh_initdir}/path") source "${tcsh_initdir}/path"

# Read user's login
if (-r "${tcsh_initdir}/login.mine") then
  source "${tcsh_initdir}/login.mine"

On Jul 11, 2004, at 10:53 PM, Andre Garzia wrote:

On Jul 11, 2004, at 10:39 PM, Sarah Reichelt wrote:

No solutions here, only another factor to toss into the pot :-)
Revolution allows you to retrieve certain environment variables. If you open the Variable Watcher, at the top you will see the listed, beginning with $.
However, the same discrepancy occurs with the $PATH variable:
in Terminal: /bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin
in Rev's VW: /usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Users/sarah


could this be because Terminal might be fiddling with $PATH when it starts. Like the Terminal is a sandboxed app, it runs in it own space, it launches .profile and maybe others initialization scripts when it starts. $PATH is a variable that is set when the system starts and might be affect by gazilions of scripts everywhere in Unix-space, I never trust it to be pointing where I want it to point, that why I like using absolute paths and not trusting $PATH to contain what I want.

I just noticed that in my home folder of my MacOS X theres a invisible .cshrc (thats invoked when terminal starts) that invokes another fella called /sw/bin/init.csh which has the following piece of text description:

# define append_path and prepend_path to add directory paths, e.g. PATH, MANPATH

so, this script is written in csh code, thus, unreadable by me, but it does some juggling with arguments and makes many changes to my $PATH and $MANPATH vars...

I guess if you all look into your home folders you'll find similar hidden script files. And that explain why terminal $PATH is different from Rev $PATH...



Andre Alves Garzia  2004  BRAZIL

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Andre Alves Garzia  2004  BRAZIL

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