Thanks Kurt, Malte and Sarah for your responses to my question. Your replies helped me to understand why it would not work. I misunderstood that the sub-stacks would be linked to the revSpeak external in the build.

I have not tried your suggestions, but understand why they would work.

I have done another search in the Rev archives and came across a very simple solution from Klaus which I tried and it works in both Mac OS X and Windows builds. Here it is; (Thanks Klaus.)

Put this into the script of the store-data-stack

on preopenstack
   start using stack "the standalone one" ## well, you guess
end preopenstack


on closestack
    stop using stack "the standalone one"
end closestack

This way not only handlers and functions of stack "the standalone one" are accessible but also its externals/libraries, which are missing otherwise as you just experienced :-)

Hope that helps...

On 02/08/2004, at 10:26 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi Greg,

I can get the Distribution Builder to build a standalone that will save
changes (button names).

I can get the Distribution Builder to build a standalone that will
speak the button name.

BUT not in the same build.

I guess the stack you are saving does not know that it needs to use the
revspeak external. Try having the script that does the speak in the
standalones mainstack and call that script from the stack you are saving.

e.G. declare a global or custom prop that holds the text to be spoken and
speak that global / custom prop from the main stack.

Hope that helps,


On Aug 2, 2004, at 1:02 AM, Greg Wills wrote:

I can get the Distribution Builder to build a standalone that will save
changes (button names).

  How do you do that?  I was under the impression that any persistent
changes had to be made to a substack when running from a standalone.
What I usually do is to open a small stack (which does nothing except
allow me to initialize the Revolution runtime), immediately make it
invisible,  and then open a secondary stack which allows changes to be
saved (and in effect does all the work).


Kurt maybe I didn't make it clear. It is saving to a sub-stack of the standalone. It has taken me ages to understand how to do this properly. Having now got to the point that I can actually do it gives me such a sense of freedom. Now I feel I can do whatever I want and get users to alter info in the stack as they want (yeh basic I know, but a satisfying breakthrough for me). It actually works, works reliably and not complicated - now!!

I am no expert on this, but if you want my explanation of how I have done this, I will be happy to share.


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