
Thanks for the vote of support!

There is not much chance I will "slip through RunRevs fingers" although I will admit to *some* small degree of frustration at the very low numbers of people who have bought my first volume in any form. I don't think this says anything other than the community may be smaller overall than I suspected. (Of course, I refuse to think it's because my book isn't good. Though that remains a possibility.)

I reiterate what I said earlier today in this very interesting discussion. I do not believe Rev has any serious chance of making significant inroads into the professional development community on ANY platform, and certainly not on Windows or (moreso?) on *nix. It will always be a product aimed at hobbyist and inventive user class developers who do not write code for a living but who have real problems to solve at work or at home. That's a huge market, bigger, I believe, than the programmer market. But it has to be located and convinced.

Now what I see on the List is a discussion of what can be done with Dan and
his books!

These are my suggestions (bearing in mind of course that I know absolutely
nothing of RunRev's finances, but you do not seem to be doing too badly):

1) This obviously very able author should not be frustrated or (heaven
forbid) be allowed to slip through RunRev's fingers!

2) Pay the man generously to do the crucial job of completing the RunRev
product with the Guide (2 above) in 3 volumes.

Dan Shafer, Revolutionary
Author of  "Revolution: Software at the Speed of Thought" for more info
Available at Runtime Revolution Store (

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