Dan Shafer wrote:

I reiterate what I said earlier today in this very interesting discussion. I do not believe Rev has any serious chance of making significant inroads into the professional development community on ANY platform, and certainly not on Windows or (moreso?) on *nix. It will always be a product aimed at hobbyist and inventive user class developers who do not write code for a living but who have real problems to solve at work or at home.

Depends on what you mean by 'significant inroads.' If it means making enough to provide a return to shareholders and keep the product alive and well, then I beg to disagree. If it means competing head to head with MS products then I agree. As you rightly pointed out earlier, even Borland can't compete w/ MS, but does that make them unsuccessful?

One thing I do think should be made clear though: RR is a PROFESSIONAL LEVEL DEVELOPMENT TOOL. There are those of us (including you) who make a living writing professional code using RR. I only mention this so others (perhaps undecided) who read this thread will know that professional level products have been created with this product.


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