I'm afraid the bookstore route is closed to us for the moment. When Dreamcard gets enough traction and the software is available in stores, we may be able to convince some specialty places like Fry's to carry it, but mainstream bookstores aren't likely to touch it unless it comes from a major publisher or through an established distributor. Which is why Kevin and I have been working on trying to set up a publishing relationship on the series rather than cranking out more books for a handful of people to buy.

We're still at it.


On Aug 5, 2004, at 9:33 PM, Troy Rollins wrote:

On Aug 6, 2004, at 12:24 AM, Bill Vlahos wrote:

For crying out loud, I just saw that someone has published a book on iTunes for Windows and is selling it in bookstores.

Isn't there some way to get Dan's excellent book on Revolution in stores too?

Convincing a book distributor that Revolution has as much appeal to the unwashed masses as iTunes?

Good luck with that one.
RPSystems, Ltd.

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