
This solution is very attractive.
I guess it is related to the PHP code you posted to
this list a few times during the past couple of years...
If yes, it must still be in my archives...

The problem is that AFAIR (and as Alejandro pointed
out) it's been split across several successive threads...

Besides, it's not really easy to choose such a solution
when one isn't "fluent" in PHP, and don't have full
access to the PostgreSQL settings...


> > 3)  let the webapps communicate only with an Apache
> > + PHP/Perl/Python
> > sockets translator + a Rev application server via
> > post commands, and have all database requests
> > handled only by the Rev
> > app on the server in a localhost TCP/IP mode only
> > (set in the postgres
> > hba.conf file)... Lots more faster and secure than
> > the cgi way...
> Hi Pierre,
> You have been very successful integrating RR
> with the common protocols used in the web.
> My greatest congratulations! :-)
> You have helped a lot of people in this
> mail list on this theme, but the information is
> fragmented among many messages and threads.
> Have you think to write a book about it? or
> A Guided tutorial about the whole process? or
> Help Dan Shafer on this topic for his book series?
> Keep Up your good work! :-)
> al
> =====
> Visit my site:
> http://www.geocities.com/capellan2000/
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