OK, I think I've uncovered an anomaly in the way Rev handles/parses list items that cost me about four hours of work last night. I want to confirm that: (a) I'm right; and (b) this is a bug before I go any further.

Here's a recipe that demonstrates the anomaly. Create a card with three fields and a button. Put this script into the button:

on mouseUp
  put field 1 into list1
  put field 2 into list2
  put item 2 of list1 into temp
  put item 2 of list2 into temp1
  put temp && len(temp) into field 3
  put return & temp1 && len(temp1) after field 3
 end mouseUp

In field 1, put this list:


In field 2, put the same list, but separate the elements by spaces:

a="1", b="2", c="3"

(I used fields for the test so I could try different formats; you probably get the same results from stuffing lists into the variables directly, but that's not relevant in my situaton anyway.)

Now run the script.

You'll see that in parsing the script in field 2, Rev takes the space between the comma and the first value in the name-value pair as significant. This should not be the case based on my long experience with lists in other languages. That is, the two lists in the two fields above should parse identically.


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dan Shafer, Revolutionary Author of "Revolution: Software at the Speed of Thought" http://www.revolutionpros.com for more info Available at Runtime Revolution Store (http://www.runrev.com/RevPress)

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