Dan Shafer wrote:

A list should be seen as a comma-delimited data container where commas separate data elements. Spaces after commas should not be significant. They aren't in any other language I know of that processes list data structures. a="1",b="2" and a="1", b="2" should be identical. In Rev, they are not. Rev sees the first element of the second item as " b", which makes no syntactic sense as far as I can tell.

It's arguably more consistent than other implementations that play fast and loose with their delimiters. In these other languages, an item delimiter is either a comma or a combination of comma+space, or perhaps even comma+space+space and comma+space+return (is it all white space or just ASCII 32 that gets overlooked?).

Transcript is more consistent: an item delimiter is a single character, and anything that falls between those delimiters is considered part of the data. It works the same regardless of the delimiter, and does not attempt to second-guess whether other characters are significant or not.

Transcript also provides the "word" chunk type, so you can also parse item contents in a way that conveniently strips out space characters.

So at least with Transcript you can have it both ways. I'm not sure how one would handle significant space characters in a language that decided for you that they weren't significant.

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World Media Corporation
 Rev tools and more: http://www.fourthworld.com/rev
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