
It appears to me that you're hitting the difference between strings and lists. The native data type in Rev is a string, and if you want it to be treated specially because it follows some sort of list syntax, you'll need to script that behavior. Otherwise you would have the opposite effect- many people would be alarmed if spaces started disappearing from their strings any time they followed a certain pattern. Unfortunately list is not a native type, whereas associative arrays and strings are.

Generally, this is where split and combine come in handy, plus possibly some replace and regex to clean things up. Is there a particular task you have in mind?

If your primary concern is extra whitespace, could you write a simple trim() function which removes it, and run your item chunking through that?

I agree with (some) others that it's not a bug, but I could see an enhancement- maybe something like an "ignoreWhitespace" global property that could be set, much like the "caseSensitive" property.

- Brian

A list should be seen as a comma-delimited data container where commas separate data elements. Spaces after commas should not be significant. They aren't in any other language I know of that processes list data structures. a="1",b="2" and a="1", b="2" should be identical. In Rev, they are not. Rev sees the first element of the second item as " b", which makes no syntactic sense as far as I can tell.

Anyway, it appears nobody else thinks this is a bug so i won't BZ it. I'll just grouse.


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