On 12/13/04 1:11 PM, Frank D. Engel, Jr. wrote:

If you found this to be so useful, why not submit a feature request? Maybe something like this would be in order:

on handlerName is disabled


disabled handlerName

or something like that.

empty on handlerName


That's more work. ;) The reason I use the top-comment disabling technique so much is because I often write two or three different versions of a handler, and then comment/uncomment them repeatedly until I decide which one I want to use. Sometimes this is for benchmarking, sometimes it is just because I'm experimenting with a different technique but I don't want to lose the original. It is very fast to click once and type a couple of hyphens.

Dragging over the whole handler -- which can sometimes be very long -- and choosing a menu item is more work. Not that big a deal, but enough that I always choose the commenting method instead. But except for excessively long handlers, changing the text of the first line would probably be even more work, so would be less preferable than the drag-select-choose menuitem method.

My ideal fix would be as Ken suggested: applying the script would automatically add comment characters to all the lines of the handler for me. Or perhaps we could simply choose "comment" from the menu, and it would automatically comment out all the lines of whatever handler the insertion point is currently in. That'd be okay with me too.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software           |     http://www.hyperactivesw.com
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