Hi Everyone,

I purchased Dreamcard last fall and I upgraded to Revolution last month just in time to take advantage of the AltBrowser/MagicCarpet Xmas combo (Thanks Kevin and Chipp for the generous offer!)

I have learned quite a lot about Revolution by reading the list (though I don't know how anyone can keep up with all of the traffic) and I want the makers of Revolution to know that part of the reason I decided to go with Revolution was because of the high quality (and personable) nature of the list.

Like Len Morgan (another Revolution beginner on the list - Hi Len) I am having a hard time grokking Revolution. It seems like most people who come to Revolution have had previous experience with Hypercard (alas I was not so lucky, the first Mac I bought was a IIsi and it only came with the Hypercard player and I could not find the "full" version.)

I am an experienced computer user, who has dabbled with Applescript and some shell scripting for my customers, but I have never worked in an IDE and have never developed a GUI tool. (My daytime job is "System Engineer" where I work on OS X Servers and W2K Servers)

When I was evaluating Revolution previously, I remember seeing a tutorial section under help. I couldn't seem to find it in the 2.5 version, so I just ordered Dan's book : )

What other good habits would I do well to develop? Also, what plugins or externals do people consider "essential" to the Revolution development experience? I have read about a few on the list, but I'm not sure if the apply to me (or if I would just be unnecessarily complicating my learning curve) Any suggestions will be gratefully accepted!



Todd Higgins
ASG Systems Engineer
MICRO Technology Groupe, Inc
voice: 215-788-6811 fax: 215-788-1766
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  www: http://www.mtgroupe.com
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