Hi John,

please calm down at first! :-)

Could someone please help me... as this problem is driving me (insert a
seven letter expletive) nuts!... If I was living in the USA, I would
probably shoot my Mac... since I live in rural England, I am seriously
thinking of taking my cricket bat to it !!

I work on a Mac...

I have made a standalone application for both the Mac and PC from the same revolution stack... I have managed, using Iconographer to attach an icon to
the Mac standalone... How to attach it to the PC standalone completely
eludes me... but never mind that right now...

Using Toast and the ISO 9660 settings I have burnt a CD... The CD contains the .app standalone as well as the .exe standalone... However, when I open
the CD, the icon that was attached is replaced by the generic Mac
application icon...

Sounds like you opened that newly created CD on your Mac?
In that case, EVERYTHING is alright :-)

The Mac cannot display windows icons!!! and that's why you get the generic app icon.

Did you test this on a PC?

Can someone who has experience of attaching icons to rev standalones please
step in and save my sanity ?!*@

I don't have a (insert a seven letter expletive) clue what to do... I'm stumped... the kids are avoiding this part of the house... My girlfriend has just told me that my dinner is warm - it's in the dog! and I'm thinking of putting my Mac up for sale on eBay and going to pick olives in Greece for
the summer...

John Dixon


Klaus Major

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