For those of you who are reading this thread, but not taking the time to look at John's (jmr's) stack, his stack is much more than just showing how lockLoc works. His handler does the image scaling so that the image is not distorted. Well worth reading and adopting. And he did it in a much simpler way than I intended to employ!


Alex Tweedly wrote:

John Ridge wrote:

Hi Nicolas

I'm not sure if I've understood you fully - but you might find my
ShrinkToFit handler helpful - look in user space for user "jmr" - I've only
got one stack there. the script is in the File menu button (I know -


I tried to do that, and ran into some problem. I think this is maybe one of the Win vs Mac menu problems (that people on here keep talking about, but I have deliberately kept myself blissfully ignorant :-) (I'm on Win XP)

The image "Test" has its location locked, and runs from (0,0) to (1049, 740) - which completely overlaps and obscures the menubar. I had to inspect image "Test", go to Size & Position, deselect "lockLoc" and move it down a little before I could access the menu.

Nice demonstration of locked vs not locked !

Actually, I'm really glad I looked at this, because it gets certain photos wrong, in just the same way as my viewer app did. I assumed it was something stupid I was doing, but didn't pursue it. Now that I see the same problem using someone else's stack, I'll look into it a bit more and (hopefully) be able to generate a Bugzilla report for it.

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