On 8/4/05 8:53 AM, "Charles Hartman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I'm really baffled. Following suggestions on list, I'm handling the
> transfer of data to a "dialog" substack by copying a group. The group
> contains an image and a lot of little fields. The substack has two
> cards. I do the copy command in a button handler in a card in the
> main stack. The groups are kept (invisibly) on the same card, and
> each button press selects one for copying to the substack. The copied
> group needs to show up in both cards (each card) in the substack.
> I'm getting every kind of confusion. I've tried copying to the
> substack itself. 

I think that might be the problem... if you're currently doing this:

  copy group "MyGroup" to stack "MySubStack"

then you need to copy to the *cards* of the substack, as in:

  copy group "MyGroup" to card 1 of stack "MySubStack"
  copy group "MyGroup" to card 2 of stack "MySubStack"

This assumes that the current defaultStack is the main stack.


Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web site: http://www.sonsothunder.com/

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