Hi Klaus and Eric, :-)

Klaus Major wrote answering to alejandro:

AT> > Did you know what is needed in this platform?
AT> > A website that review every stack that every
AT> > developer publish in the web, with screenshots,
AT> > movies and explanations about their uses and
AT> > functions.
AT> > Maybe if Richard Gaskin could organize a two
AT> > person team for doing this work in RevJournal...

> LOL :-)
> "Sissiphus" is what comes to my mind immediately :-D

Did you think that it's really impossible? :-(
It's impossible counting with the time of the
good people from this mail list? :-0

on Thu, 4 Aug 2005 
Eric Chatonet wrote:

> Hi Alejandro,
> But, seriously, it would be a big lot of work ...
> Even if RevJournal would be the right place for such
> a challenge...

i agree, but it's badly needed. it's odd that
we could not agree to cover such obvious void.

> PS. Bravo for your article: I feel good when form
> and content are  
> well designed. It's so rare!

Ah thanks!... but surely you are greeting
Andre Garzia who actually wrote the
article you are referring to. ;-)

Have a nice day!


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