Thanks for the nice 16x16 24-frame animated gif !

I wonder to know if there is a way in Revolution that animated gif are going to be automatically animated during the execution of a script. This is in fact the reason of your new 'chasing arrows' to show the user that a process is currently running and he should be patient.

My solution up to now:
1.- open the animated gif in GraphicConverter
2.- save it as a Quicktime Movie,
3.- add a Player named "MyAnim" onto your card
4.- in message box type :
       set the filename of player "MyAnim" to theQuicktimeMovieFilePath
       set the looping of player "MyAnim" to true
5.- then a script sample during which the animation is displayed:

  on doSomeLongProcess
      show player "MyAnim"
      start player "MyAnim"
      here you have some long process to run -- <-- change as needed...
      stop player "MyAnim"
      hide player "MyAnim"
  end doSomeLongProcess

6.- Of course the animation is not displayed if you set the lockscreen to true in your script.

Enjoy and tell me if there is a direct solution with animated gif.

Joel G
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