I know this can be done, but it's got me stumped. Nothing conclusive from archives.

I want to store image data in a mysql database and then show it in an image object in Rev. I successfully loaded an image into a field of type longblob. I know the data is there and that it's valid.

This is what I tried to load the image data:

global connID -- my connection id

on mouseUp
  if connID is empty then
    answer "You need to connect to the database first."
    exit to top
  end if
  put word 2 of the selectedline of fld "linenumbers" into tEntryNum
put "select illustration from vocablist where item_index = " & tEntryNum into tQuery
  put revDataFromQuery(,,connID,tQuery) into tData
  set the imagedata of img "testImg" to tData
end mouseUp

The query ends up something like this:

select illustration from vocablist where item_index = 1290

All I ever get in the tData variable is four random characters; ˇÿˇ‡

I know the image data in the database table is valid because I can set up an automatic query in the Database Query Builder, then set the image object to automatically load that data, and it works. I've tried to find the scripting in the Database Query Builder stack that does this, but no luck.

Has anyone successfully done this who can share the secret to making it work?



Devin Asay
Humanities Technology and Research Support Center
Brigham Young University

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