A question for you pros out there.

I couldn't find much on this in the archives, so I have to ask you all now:

Is there a way to use non Roman characters in the script editor? I have a pop-up menu button that gives two language choices for the program interface language - Estonian and Russian. All buttons and a few other things have 2 profiles - Estonian and Russian with the labels and text in the appropriate language. The problem seems to be that when I put the Russian choices into the menuPick script it doesn't respond. When I switch profiles with the message box, all is well. Is there a workaround for this? Another way characterize the menu choices that are in Russian in the button pop-up?

on menuPick pWhichItem
  switch pWhichItem
  case "eesti keeles"
    exit menuPick
  case "vene keeles"
    revSetCardProfile "rus"
case "на эстонском языке" -- could this be called something like "line 1 of the menu items for profile rus" or something along those lines?
    revSetCardProfile "Master"
  case " на русском языке"     --  same as above
    exit menuPick
  end switch
end menuPick

If there is not a known way to do this, anybody have any ideas? I need to demonstrate this project at the Estonian Ministry for Education and Research in a couple of weeks, so if I sound desperate, I guess I am. I have tired everything I can think of and I still hope I have the right idea but am making some little mistake I can't see myself.



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