
This worked for my iBook too and is a cheap and easy diy solution if the actual drive and mechanism is OK. If there is a problem with the drive itself, and *no other means of recovery is open to you* then you may have nothing to lose by disassembling (or getting someone else to disassemble) the HD itself and transferring its platters to another mechanism. This is a high risk last resort strategy for the point at which you are already regarding the data as lost. Google under 'disassemble hard drive'.

Best of luck

James J Richards


Tel. +44 (0)15394 43063
On 16 Jan, 2007, at 13:20, Viktoras Didziulis wrote:


Lets hope it is not hard drive, but motherboard of your laptop, in this case
strange sounds may also come out from hard drive devices... There are
external cases for hard drives to be connected through USB. They come in different sizes for laptop and desktop hard drives and prices vary (~30-70
Eur per device). Once my PC (well, not Mac, but there should be similar
things in Mac world too) crashed like yours, so I took the drive out,
connected to the external case and made backup of all the remaining contents using another computer with USB connection. Although that drive had lots of bad sectors too and PC did not boot from it or any other device, but, lucky
I was, it worked this way... Just an idea to try...

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