
Some more information on this.

If I delete the Text counter object from the group that gets exported the it will output many more images (once it actually did all 500) before stopping. Doing this it will just continue forever, e.g. Most of the time I don't get the error dialog and mouseUp handler never exits.

I looked at the system activity monitor and found that 1.68 GB OUT of my 2 GB was allocated to RunRev, so I guess it really is leaking!

I also tried storing the image into a variable instead of a file and get the same problems.

Not sure what else to try? Would be interesting to find out why it works on your system and not mine or Ian's. Anyone what to try this on their system? Haven't tried this at all under Windows.

Thanks a lot and All the Best


Mac OS X 10.4.8, MacBook Pro 2.16GHz Core Duo, 2GB RAM

Ok, are you using the standard RunRev IDE and not running anything other that the standard RunRev stuff?

I set the fill color via the Property Inspector, not via a script, not sure if that would make a difference. I have removed all fill colors and I still get the error when writing file number 289. I've also tried making the object/rectangle smaller, still stops on file 289.

Then I tried adding a wait .25 seconds after the export operation, same problem.

I then replaced the repeat statement like this:

  repeat with x =  (1 + 288 to (tNum + 288)

And it still gave an error on 289!

I then tried (300) to (tNum + 300) and got the error on file 608!
Then 290 to (tNum  + 290), the error occurred on file 298.

This is very strange problem! It happens every time on my system and Ian appears to have had the same problem too. would be good to track why it works ok on yours.

All the Best

on mouseUp
  local tNum
  local twID
  local tFol
  local tDest

  put the colorNames into tColors  --< NEW

  put 500 into tNum
  put the windowID of this stack into twID
  put "/Users/rg/Desktop/untitled folder/" into tFol
  set the defaultfolder to tFol

  repeat with x = 1 to tNum
    if the mouse is down then
      exit to top
    end if
    put x & ".png" into tDest
    put x into fld "counter"
    set the backgroundColor of grp 1 to  any line of tColors --< NEW
    export snapshot from grp 1 to file tDest as PNG
  end repeat
  answer "Done!"
end mouseUp

Then I added a graphic in case there was something specific to that object type, changing the color of the graphic instead of the group. Same good result.

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