I've been using various versions of SQL (Postgres, mySQL, Oracle, etc) for several years now and the only character I've ever been able to use to delimit strings is the apostrophe. As Jan recommended, try that first and you'll probably see most of your problems go away. BTW: having a " inside of ' ' is just fine. No escaping required.

When you are actually executing the revExecuteSQL command, if you don't get back an error from rev, the problem is most likely in the SQL so you should always include that.

len morgan

Dave wrote:
Hi Jan,

Thanks a lot, yes, a great help, Where exactly did you see the description of how to do this in the SQLite docs? I had a quick look again but still couldn't find it!

Thanks again
All the Best

On 1 Nov 2007, at 09:27, Jan Schenkel wrote:

--- Dave <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I am using SQLIte, I can't seem to find anything
that says what the
escape sequence character is. Does anyone know if
this is possible
with SQLite?

Also, is this the same problem that I am getting
with the ":"
characters in the date field? If so, is the solution
the same?

Thanks a lot
All the Best

Hi Dave,

I took a quick glance at the sqlite.org website:
where they advise you to use apostrophe instead of
quote, and that you should double the apostrophe when
it occurs within the string.

As for the colon, try using apostrophe first instead
of quotes. SQLite doesn't have real date-time fields
so they're stored as strings anyway.

Hope this helped,

Jan Schenkel.

Quartam Reports & PDF Library for Revolution

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