A Useful-Thing...selected by Dennis Cummins.

This week's Useful-Thing is a reminder program that makes remembering 
things much easier: TurboNote!

TurboNote is a stickynotes type program, where you can jot reminder 
notes, such as to-do lists, schedules, great ideas, URLs, etc. and have 
them on your desktop or save till later.

As the author of the program writes, you will have "no more losing 
notes stuck to your monitor -- use TurboNote instead to remind you of 
jobs to do, deadlines to meet, Web or email addresses to remember... It 
will wait unobtrusively, ready to provide an onscreen memo that will 
help you to stay organized."

Dennis had quite a bit to say about TurboNote:

"It works very well.  It is extremely registry friendly.  Adds nothing 
to the windows folder.  All files stay in its own folder.  Well except 
for what goes into the Start Menu.  

Just noted <G> the first thing I did not like.  It puts an entry into 
the Startup folder. That is easily fixed however and the help file even 
tells you how.  Cool.  

You can set up alarms/reminders.  This can be for days or times or 
months ahead and they can be recurring.  

TurboNote also has what is called QuickLaunch.  You can put url's in 
your notes.  Just double click them to launch your default browser.  
Also if you add email addresses to your notes,  you can double click 
them to launch your default email client with that address in the To: 
field so you are ready to compose message."

The free TurboNote is SponsorWare.  At their web site it states:  

"Each copy of TurboNote is sponsored -- you'll see the sponsoring 
company's name, logo and URL in the About box, and their URL will 
appear from time to time at the bottom of a note. Click through to take 
a look at their site and the URL will disappear -- the more often you 
visit, the less frequently the URL will appear in future! But bear in 
mind that that URL could take you to useful pages with special 
information or offers..."

This product should not be confused with the author's shareware 
product, "TurboNote+".  The web site we refer you to will feature the 
shareware product, but our TurboNote has most of the features that the 
shareware version contains.  This product is not spyware in either the 
freeware or the shareware versions.

Okay, here are the particulars:

Author or company: South Pacific Information Services Ltd

URL of the author's Main Web site: 

URL of the file to download: 

Note: the above URL is for the freeware Turbonote version.  We suggest 
if you desire to download the freeware Turbonote, that you make sure it 
is that URL you use.

Requirements to install and run the program: 

Nothing special.  Will run on all Windows9x machines, WindowsME, 
WindowsNTx, and Windows2000.

Enjoy! :-)

Alan S. Harrell for himself and Dennis Cummins


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