Thanks, Larry!

but could you tell me why? I thought using an anonymous class has an important advantage: it allows loading-time parameter check. Also I think it should be faster than using HashMap. Isn't it true?


Larry Meadors wrote:
Well, they should both do the same thing...I'd use the map. :)


On 8/31/07, Ilya Boyandin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hello all,

what should I prefer, this:

return getSqlMapClientTemplate().queryForList("listEvaluationPlans", new
Object() {
    long getPersonId() { return personId; }
    String getLang() { return lang; }

or this:

final Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>(2);
params.put("personId", personId);
params.put("lang", lang);
return getSqlMapClientTemplate().queryForList("listEvaluationPlans",

Thanks in advance

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