This only holds when the bean-class is explicitly specified, i.e. it must not 
be an anonymous class. If it's anonymous, iBATIS has no way to inspect the bean 
class, since it's unknown at load-time.


-----Original Message-----
From: Ilya Boyandin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: maandag 3 september 2007 18:43
Subject: Re: JavaBean and Map parameters

Hi Larry,

Larry Meadors wrote:
> I don't know about the performance - a hashmap is pretty fast for
> retrieval. (FYI: the constructor you use there will cause slower
> performance - the default would use more memory, but be faster - using
> 3 or 4 as the parameter might be better, read the javadocs on that
> one.)
Oh sure, I forgot about the .75 load factor. Thanks for telling me this! 
I agree in this case it's better not to use the parameter at all.

> The parameter checking is an interesting idea - I'm just not sure that
> it makes it much less error prone - in both cases, you need to type
> (or paste) the names.
It's not my idea, actually. I found it in the section "JavaBean and Map 
parameters" of "iBatis in Action". It sais:
"If you create a parameter map with a bean and attempt to refer to a 
property that does not exist, you will get an immediate failure when the 
parameter map is loaded." I tested it now with the anonymous parameter 
class I cited before and it doesn't seem to work as described:  the 
"There is no READABLE property named" exception is thrown only when the 
query is called, not when the map is loaded. I think I got something 
wrong again :)


> On 9/3/07, Ilya Boyandin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Thanks, Larry!
>> but could you tell me why? I thought using an anonymous class has an
>> important advantage: it allows loading-time parameter check. Also I
>> think it should be faster than using HashMap. Isn't it true?
>> Ilya
>> Larry Meadors wrote:
>>> Well, they should both do the same thing...I'd use the map. :)
>>> Larry
>>> On 8/31/07, Ilya Boyandin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>> Hello all,
>>>> what should I prefer, this:
>>>> return getSqlMapClientTemplate().queryForList("listEvaluationPlans", new
>>>> Object() {
>>>>     long getPersonId() { return personId; }
>>>>     String getLang() { return lang; }
>>>> });
>>>> or this:
>>>> final Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>(2);
>>>> params.put("personId", personId);
>>>> params.put("lang", lang);
>>>> return getSqlMapClientTemplate().queryForList("listEvaluationPlans",
>>>> params);
>>>> Thanks in advance
>>>> Ilya

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