Hey Stefan and all

Beg-inner wrote:
.. I miss a function in the SDS Knife Tool, to be able to cut a SDS into whatever pieces, without the SDS object changes its shape..
(the 'Smooth' Tool adds points/edges without changing the shape...)

Nice job again on the tute. With regard to the SDS knife tool, I'd love to see 3 enhancements.

1. Default to 'selected faces'.

2. When snapping to a point on an edge of the object to be cut, often the adjacent face does not get cut. (the line has to cross over the face to be cut). This makes it less useful. The tool should be able to 'see' cutting edges that start right on the edge of the cut face. (tolerence setting?).

3. When using a cutting object with higher detail than the target object, the tool should add points to the resultant cut mesh corresponding to the cutting object. If the cutting object uses curves, maybe there could be a threshold angle in the context bar showing the density of points to be added along the curves. This would be super helpful in cutting roads into sds topo meshes. PLEASE!


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