Jason Saunders wrote:

Oh dear I think someone got out of bed on the wrong side today.

I have some news for you Gary. There are no great secrets to creating my GI images. I have, in numerous emails already informed the group of my standard workflow and also in personal emails to some individuals.

You seem to think just knowing the tools gives you a good image. This is not the case as I have stated before, you also need to have a god eye, a good concept and a good understanding of what kind of image you are trying to achieve.

I cannot give you any more information than I already have as its the same method I use today.

Stop moaning because know one is holding YOUR hand in showing you how to start and finish a masterpiece. Go and discover if you have the ability (or dare I say talent) alone like the rest of us have to. Technical help is on hand for all of us when we need it. That is primarily what the list is here for. To help with the usage of the realsoft software and to encourage.

My lack of posting to the WIKI has something to do with the fact I and a few others are a minority in that we are trying to earn a living using this software, it is no longer a hobby for some of us. I clearly do not have the same time you have to discover every finite trick Realsoft has to offer. I have enormous pressures running a business you obviously have no comprehension of.

There are many more on this list with far greater knowledge than I on VSL, mathematics and physics, who you can and are learning a lot from.

Something else your hung-over head might also have forgotten is that while the list does not see the effort I have put in over several years in beta testing the software you use. I have bug reported, tested and commented consistently for the benefit of all of us. Apparently this is not enough.

Stop trying to find shortcuts Gary. Go learn the art of good imagery and animation THEN learn how to use the Realsoft tools to achieve your concepts.

" Can Rolf Harris paint the 'Sistine Chapel'... answer... probably not. "

I am quite happy with who I have become, but thank you for your intellectual insight as always.

You may not have noticed this Gary, but over the years I cannot think of anyone else on this list who upsets and alienates people the way you do. You seem consistently on a knife edge and generally a very frustrated individual, turn the mirror on yourself once in a while for a reality check.

Careful who you slander on this list my friend !

If the rest of the list feel the same way Gary has indicated, then I will gladly leave the user list today as I have not intention of offending anyone else.

Love and best wishes


Well, that sums it up nicely, good work m8!   : D


P.S. Nah, you can stay  ; )

My love of the  halfling's leaf has clearly slowed my mind.

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