Nice boat, and this house is a dream house.
Nothing to complain about the modeling or the rendering, this is perfect for

I am glad someone finally found my tutorial usefull.

I will do other tutorial then.

Important Note: will be cancelled soon so for now on use

I changed .ca to .ws because I will never be able to get ownership of the
.ca because the guy who bough it for me 4 years ago has commited suicide.
I don't know this guy personally. We are 400 company with the same problem
(related to the same guy). This guy had a company offering website hosting
and different services.
And the company that manage all the .ca don't care about it unless I send
them a lawyer.
So to make a long story short use next time.

Jean-Sebastien Perron

-----Message d'origine-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] De la part de Zaug
Envoyé : Monday, September 18, 2006 9:19 PM
À :
Objet : Re: boating

Frank Bueters wrote:
> Hi userlist,
> I'm glad te maillist has woken up from hibernate mode :) 
Yes, me too : )

> To contribute to a positive atmosphere I've put some images from my newest
> project online:
> The small boat is all SDS, the houseboats are a mixture of SDS and
> analytics, mostly polygone SDS though. 
> It has taken me some time to get to grips with UVmapping but SDS has
> favorite since. 
> Regards,
>       Frank Bueters
Nice work.  I think my only crit is that the water mapping is too small, 
the "edges" of the waves look almost sharp.

Thanks for sharing,

My love of the  halfling's leaf has clearly slowed my mind.

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