Sure you´re right, but somehow that´s the whole point, right?

If Realsoft is basically just two people - and this proves to be not enough - 
than it should be checked if other options are available.
And this just roughly correlates to the price of the product.
If the expenses are doubled and so are the earnings generated by RS3D, then the 
equation much likely evens out - at least.
To, for example, have an investor who gives money for marketing and development 
but also wants a percentage of the income, should at least generate the same 
amount of income for Vesa and Juha as is generated now, simply through 
increased sales, while the price could probably stay the same.

Let´s face it - leading software publishers only demand high prices because 
they can.
Because their software is the leader.
If for example you compare Photoshop to some of it´s (theoretical) competitors, 
you will find that some of them sell for only five percent (!) of Photoshops 
price; while offering about 80% of Photoshops capabilities.

But even if RS3D cost fifty or a hundret bucks more, users would buy it if they 
saw that the increased functionality was worth it.


-------- Original-Nachricht --------
> Datum: Sun, 7 Nov 2010 13:57:40 +0000
> Von: leee <>
> An:
> Betreff: Re: SDK/ sites down/ frustration/Realsoft

> I've been using RS a long time, albeit not quite as long as Mark - 
> just since V2 on Amiga - but like Mark, the way that RS works fits 
> me just right (even though I'm not as active as I used to be, I 
> still get the occasional idea for a pic and manage to 'dribble' out 
> a few new pics each year.)
> I think that one of the important factors that needs to be 
> remembered concerning RS is the price/performance trade-off that it 
> offers.  RS hasn't been produced by a large organisation, with 
> extra staff dedicated to promotion; it's pretty much just a two-man 
> show.
> I think the bottom line is you pays your money and takes your 
> choice.  If you want more support, beyond that offered by other 
> users, then perhaps you need to pay more to a larger organisation 
> that uses that extra money to employ promotional staff.
> LeeE

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