
The accumulo version is 1.8.1. I have tried copying the rf files.

*Here are the steps that I followed :*

*1. create a table of same name in the new accumulo cluster(v1.7)*

*2. the distcp the folder corresponding to the table to the new accumulo instance(1.7). The folder association with table was checked through table -l command on old accumulo cluster.*

*3. The files are replaced for the table in the new accumulo cluster.*

*4. When I did this for a small table it worked(when the associated folder had just the default folder and no splits). But when it was done for a large table which consisted many splits other than the default folder, I was unable to import that data.*

I have gone through the link that you've sent. And the above steps are pretty similar.

Can you please explain this further:

- If you have data you need to keep, you can bulk import the existing RFiles into a new instance if you can associate the files to a table. *Having the old splits would be helpful but is not necessary.*
Here I can associate rfiles with table but how can we import table with splits. ALso we have the metadata table intact can we use that.



On 27/02/19 7:29 PM, Michael Wall wrote:

Having a corrupt root table and replacing with with an empty empty file means Accumulo does not not anything about the metadata table.  Without the metadata table, Accumulo know nothing about the other tables.

If you can do so, I suggest starting over.  If you have data you need to keep, you can bulk import the existing RFiles into a new instance if you can associate the files to a table.  Having the old splits would be helpful but is not necessary.

What version of Accumulo are you using?  Take a look at https://accumulo.apache.org/1.9/accumulo_user_manual.html#_advanced_system_recovery.

It would be good to understand what led to the corruption in the accumulo.root table.


On Wed, Feb 27, 2019 at 7:27 AM pranav.puri <pranav.p...@orkash.com <mailto:pranav.p...@orkash.com>> wrote:


    I have setup accumulo on a two node hadoop HA cluster. In this,
    the rf file *kept in +r has been corrupted(rf file related to the
    accumulo.root table)*. This was checked through fsck command. And
    due to this the accumulo was not starting up.

    As a troubleshooting step, I removed this rf file and replaced
    with an empty file of same name. After this the accumulo is
    starting up and all the tabes are online but there are no entries
    present for these table. No tablets are there but one. And also I
    am able to scan just the root table probably because I have
    replaced it with the new file.Also if I try to scan any other
    table the shell hangs.

    Please let me know how to handle this. Also, please mention if any
    other details are required.


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