Thanks!  Do you know where I can find a list of codecs supported in Java vs C++?

From: Doug Cutting []
Sent: Thursday, August 14, 2014 1:44 PM
Subject: Re: State of the C++ vs Java implementations

On Thu, Aug 14, 2014 at 11:56 AM, John Lilley 
<<>> wrote:
I’m seeing discussion of a new Decimal encoding in the mailing list, and it 
would be bad for us to commit to the C++ Avro, and then find that our customers 
have created Avro files (using Java, MapReduce, etc) that we can’t read.  We 
don’t have control over what files we encounter, and it is desirable for our 
product to read whatever a customer throws at it, within reason.

Except for compression codecs, all implementations should be able to read all 
data files written by other implementations.  The Avro schema language has not 
changed incompatibly since 1.0.  Additions such as Decimal are back-compatible. 
 Implementations that have no knowledge of Decimal schemas can still process 
data written that contains Decimals but will see them as byte arrays with 
schema attributes.


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