
     I have a column family Users. at present these are two keys in it.

    *ajayakumar {*
         => (column=age, value=22, timestamp=1306820564285000)
         => (column=first, value=amrita, timestamp=1306820515836000)
         => (column=last, value=jayakumar, timestamp=1306820548681000)

*    agomathy* *{
*         => (column=age, value=25, timestamp=1306820588655000)
         => (column=first, value=amrita, timestamp=1306820655045000)
         => (column=last, value=gomathy, timestamp=1306820637375000)
*    } *in it.

    Now I am trying to write a php code to establish a connection to
cassandra and to insert a new key *vkrishnan *into the column family *Users*.

$servers = array("localhost");
$pool = new ConnectionPool("Keyspace1", $servers);
$column_family = new ColumnFamily($pool, 'Users');
$column_family->insert('vkrishnan', array('first' => 'vishnu' , 'last' =>
'krishnan' , 'age' => '22' ));

echo $column_family;


I have deployed this code into a php file *phcass.php* in the ubuntu machine
in the location */var/www/vishnu/*. But nothing happens when i execute the
file through the browser. Neither can i find the data inserted in the column
family '*Users*'.
can anyone help???

Thanks and Regards,

On Wed, Jun 1, 2011 at 10:56 AM, Marcus Bointon

> On 1 Jun 2011, at 07:21, Amrita Jayakumar wrote:
> > so i just should create a directory phpcassa in the location
> /etc/php5/conf.d/  and  in phpcassa just create a file php.ini and include
> the line extension=thrift_protocol.so in it????
> Nearly. Just run this:
> echo 'extension=thrift_protocol.so' > /etc/php5/conf.d/phpcassa.ini
> Marcus

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