I didn't track mailing list since 1.1-rc is out and know i have several questions.

1) We want to upgrade from 1.09. How stable 1.1 is? I mean work under high load, running compactions and clean-ups? Is it faster then 1.09?

2) If i what to use hector as cassandra client which version is better for 1.1? Is it ok to use "0.8.0-3"? We're kind of stuck on this hector release because new versions support serialization of Doubles (and some other types, but doubles are 50% of data). So we can't read old data: double values were serialized as objects and can't be deserialized as double. We can override default serializer by it's older version and keep working with serialized objects... but it looks rather stupid. Did anyone run into such problem? And i didn't find any change lists for hector - so such backward incompatibility was quite a surprise. Anybody knows some other breaking changes from 0.8.0-3?

3) Java 7 now recommended for use by Oracle. We have several developers running local cassandra instances on it for a while without problems. Anybody tried it in production? Some time ago java 7 wasn't recommended for use with cassandra, what's for now?

p.s. sorry for my 'english'

Sergey B.

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