On Wed, May 30, 2012 at 4:08 AM, Vanger <disc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 3) Java 7 now recommended for use by Oracle. We have several developers
> running local cassandra instances on it for a while without problems.
> Anybody tried it in production? Some time ago java 7 wasn't recommended for
> use with cassandra, what's for now?

I have a variation of this question, which goes :

"Now that OpenJDK is the official Java reference implementation, are
there plans to make Cassandra support it?"


Cassandra has (had?) a slightly passive-aggressive log message where
it refers to any JDK other than Sun's as a "buggy" and suggests that
you should "upgrade" to the Sun JDK. I'm fine with using whatever JDK
is technically best, but within the enterprise using something other
than the official reference implementation can be a tough sell.
Wondering if people have a view as to the importance and/or
feasibility of making OpenJDK supported.


=Robert Coli
AIM&GTALK - rc...@palominodb.com
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