On 11/08/2016 11:05 AM, DuyHai Doan wrote:
Are you sure Cassandra is a good fit for this kind of heavy update &
delete scenario ?

this sounds like relational thinking scenario... (no offense, I like relational systems) As if you want to maintain the state of a lot of entities with updates & deletes, and you have a lot of state changes for your entities.

May be an eventstore/DDD approach would be a better model for that?

You could have an aggregate for each entity (ie. a record) you have in your system and insert a new event record on each update of this agregate.

For example if you had to track the position of a lot of objects, instead of updating the object records, each second you could insert a new event with : (object: object_id, event_type: position_move, position : x, y ).

Just a suggestion.


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