Hi Kamesh.

Flushing memtables to disk causes the corresponding commitlog segments to
be deleted. Once the data is flushed into SSTables it can be considered
durable (in case of a node crash, the data won't be lost), and therefore
there's no point in keeping it in the commitlog as well.

Try without flushing and see if you can see your operations there.


On Wed, 23 Nov 2016 at 11:04 Kamesh <kam.iit...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi All,
>  I am trying to read cassandra commit log files, but unable to do it. I am
> experimenting this with 1 node cluster(laptop)
>  Cassandra Version : *3.8*
>  Updated cassadra.yaml with *cdc_enabled: true*
>  After executing the below statments and flushing memtables, tried reading
> commit log files, but there are no cdc events correpsonding to *test*
> keyspace.
>  CREATE KEYSPACE *test* WITH replication = {'class': 'SimpleStrategy',
> 'replication_factor': '1'};
>  CREATE TABLE foo (a int, b text, PRIMARY KEY(a)) WITH cdc=true;
>  INSERT INTO foo(a, b) VALUES (0, 'static0');
>  INSERT INTO foo(a, b) VALUES (1, 'static1');
>  INSERT INTO foo(a, b) VALUES (2, 'static2');
>  INSERT INTO foo(a, b) VALUES (3, 'static3');
>  INSERT INTO foo(a, b) VALUES (4, 'static4');
>  INSERT INTO foo(a, b) VALUES (5, 'static5');
>  INSERT INTO foo(a, b) VALUES (6, 'static6');
>  INSERT INTO foo(a, b) VALUES (7, 'static7');
>  INSERT INTO foo(a, b) VALUES (8, 'static8');
>  Can someone please help us.
> Thanks & Regards
> Kamesh.

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