Did you configured your keyspace with durable_writes = false by any chance?
That would make operations not reach the commitlog.

On Wed, 23 Nov 2016 at 13:06 Kamesh <kam.iit...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Carlos,
>  Thanks for your response.
>  I performed few insert statements and run my application without
> flushing. Still not able to read the commit logs.
>  However, I am able to read the commit logs of  *system* and
> *system_schema* key spaces but not able to read the application key space
> (key space created by me).
> Thanks & Regards
> Kamesh.
> On Wed, Nov 23, 2016 at 5:24 PM, Carlos Alonso <i...@mrcalonso.com> wrote:
> Hi Kamesh.
> Flushing memtables to disk causes the corresponding commitlog segments to
> be deleted. Once the data is flushed into SSTables it can be considered
> durable (in case of a node crash, the data won't be lost), and therefore
> there's no point in keeping it in the commitlog as well.
> Try without flushing and see if you can see your operations there.
> Regards
> On Wed, 23 Nov 2016 at 11:04 Kamesh <kam.iit...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi All,
>  I am trying to read cassandra commit log files, but unable to do it. I am
> experimenting this with 1 node cluster(laptop)
>  Cassandra Version : *3.8*
>  Updated cassadra.yaml with *cdc_enabled: true*
>  After executing the below statments and flushing memtables, tried reading
> commit log files, but there are no cdc events correpsonding to *test*
> keyspace.
>  CREATE KEYSPACE *test* WITH replication = {'class': 'SimpleStrategy',
> 'replication_factor': '1'};
>  CREATE TABLE foo (a int, b text, PRIMARY KEY(a)) WITH cdc=true;
>  INSERT INTO foo(a, b) VALUES (0, 'static0');
>  INSERT INTO foo(a, b) VALUES (1, 'static1');
>  INSERT INTO foo(a, b) VALUES (2, 'static2');
>  INSERT INTO foo(a, b) VALUES (3, 'static3');
>  INSERT INTO foo(a, b) VALUES (4, 'static4');
>  INSERT INTO foo(a, b) VALUES (5, 'static5');
>  INSERT INTO foo(a, b) VALUES (6, 'static6');
>  INSERT INTO foo(a, b) VALUES (7, 'static7');
>  INSERT INTO foo(a, b) VALUES (8, 'static8');
>  Can someone please help us.
> Thanks & Regards
> Kamesh.

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