This all looks really awesome, while i wish there wasn't as much duplicated
effort across the different projects it's great to see how different teams
are solving this very real problem!

Also Attila we do have our cloud offering as you mentioned, but we also
have our own k8s operator which is Apache licensed.

So awesome work to the teams from Orange, Datastax and Sky and welcome to
the fun of building on a hugely popular and constantly changing project :)

Most folk don't realize you can't just run a stateful set!

On Sat, May 25, 2019, 05:54 Attila Wind <> wrote:

> Maybe my understanding is wrong and I am not really a "deployment guru"
> but it looks like to me that
> Orange (, 1
> contributor and 1 commit for now on 2019-05-24)
> and sky-uk/cassandra-operator (
> , it's in alpha phase and
> not recommended in production, 3 contributors, 24 commits btw
> 2019.03.25-2019.05.21, 32 Issues)
> are developing something I could use in my OWN(!) Kubernetes based
> solution (even on premise if I want or whatever)
> They are both open source. Right?
> While
> Datastax and Instaclustr are commercial players and offer the solution in
> a tightly-coupled way with Cloud only
> (I just took a quick look on Instaclustr but could not even figure out
> pricing info for this service... probably I am lame... or not? :-))
> So this looks to me a nice competition...
> What do I miss?
> ps.: maybe Orange and sky-uk/cassandra-operator guys should cooperate..??
> Others are clearly building business around it
> cheers
> Attila Wind
> Mobile: +36 31 7811355
> On 2019. 05. 24. 20:36, John Sanda wrote:
> There is also
> On Fri, May 24, 2019 at 2:34 PM Rahul Singh <>
> wrote:
>> Fantastic! Now there are three teams making k8s operators for C*:
>> Datastax, Instaclustr, and now Orange.
>> I'm speaking at #DataStaxAccelerate, the world’s premiere
>> #ApacheCassandra conference, and I want to see you there! Use my code
>> Singh50 for 50% off your registration.
>> On Fri, May 24, 2019 at 9:07 AM Jean-Armel Luce <>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi folks,
>>> We are excited to announce that CassKop, a Cassandra operator for
>>> Kubernetes developped by Orange teams, is now ready for Beta testing.
>>> CassKop works as a usual K8S controller (reconcile the real state with a
>>> desired state) and automates the Cassandra operations through JMX. All the
>>> operations are launched by calling standard K8S APIs (kubectl apply …) or
>>> by using a K8S plugin (kubectl casskop …).
>>> CassKop is developed in GO, based on CoreOS operator-sdk framework.
>>> Main features already available :
>>> - deploying a rack aware cluster (or AZ aware cluster)
>>> - scaling up & down (including cleanups)
>>> - setting and modifying configuration parameters (C* and JVM parameters)
>>> - adding / removing a datacenter in Cassandra (all datacenters must be
>>> in the same region)
>>> - rebuilding nodes
>>> - removing node or replacing node (in case of hardware failure)
>>> - upgrading C* or Java versions (including upgradesstables)
>>> - monitoring (using Prometheus/Grafana)
>>> - ...
>>> By using local and persistent volumes, it is possible to handle failures
>>> or stop/start nodes for maintenance operations with no transfer of data
>>> between nodes.
>>> Moreover, we can deploy cassandra-reaper in K8S and use it for
>>> scheduling repair sessions.
>>> For now, we can deploy a C* cluster only as a mono-region cluster. We
>>> will work during the next weeks to be able to deploy a C* cluster as a
>>> multi regions cluster.
>>> Still in the roadmap :
>>> - Network encryption
>>> - Monitoring (exporting logs and metrics)
>>> - backup & restore
>>> - multi-regions support
>>> We'd be interested to hear you try this and let us know what you think!
>>> Please read the description and installation instructions on
>>> For a quick start, you can also follow this step by step guide :
>>> The CassKop Team
>> --
> - John

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