Which one are you referring to?

Both have separate DCs to keep the workload separate.

   - OPTION A)
   - Node DC RACK AZ 1 read ONE us-east-1a 2 read ONE us-east-1a
   - 3 read ONE us-east-1a
   - 4 write TWO us-east-1b 5 write TWO us-east-1b
   - 6 write TWO us-east-1b

Here we have 2 DC read and write
One Rack per DC
One Availability Zone per DC



On Wed, Oct 23, 2019, 1:11 PM Jon Haddad <j...@jonhaddad.com> wrote:

> Personally, I wouldn't ever do this.  I recommend separate DCs if you want
> to keep workloads separate.
> On Wed, Oct 23, 2019 at 4:06 PM Sergio <lapostadiser...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>           I forgot to comment for
>>    OPTION C)
>>    1. Node DC RACK AZ 1 read ONE us-east-1a 2 read ONE us-east-1b
>>    2. 3 read ONE us-east-1c
>>    3. 4 write TWO us-east-1a 5 write TWO us-east-1b
>>    4. 6 write TWO us-east-1c I would expect that I need to decrease the
>>    Consistency Level in the reads if one of the AZ goes down. Please consider
>>    the below one as the real OPTION A. The previous one looks to be wrong
>>    because the same rack is assigned to 2 different DC.
>>    5. OPTION A)
>>    6. Node DC RACK AZ 1 read ONE us-east-1a 2 read ONE us-east-1a
>>    7. 3 read ONE us-east-1a
>>    8. 4 write TWO us-east-1b 5 write TWO us-east-1b
>>    9. 6 write TWO us-east-1b
>> Thanks,
>> Sergio
>> Il giorno mer 23 ott 2019 alle ore 12:33 Sergio <
>> lapostadiser...@gmail.com> ha scritto:
>>> Hi Reid,
>>> Thank you very much for clearing these concepts for me.
>>> https://community.datastax.com/comments/1133/view.html I posted this
>>> question on the datastax forum regarding our cluster that it is unbalanced
>>> and the reply was related that the *number of racks should be a
>>> multiplier of the replication factor *in order to be balanced or 1. I
>>> thought then if I have 3 availability zones I should have 3 racks for each
>>> datacenter and not 2 (us-east-1b, us-east-1a) as I have right now or in the
>>> easiest way, I should have a rack for each datacenter.
>>>    1. Datacenter: live
>>>    ================
>>>    Status=Up/Down
>>>    |/ State=Normal/Leaving/Joining/Moving
>>>    --  Address      Load       Tokens       Owns    Host ID
>>>                      Rack
>>>    UN   289.75 GiB  256          ?
>>>    be5a0193-56e7-4d42-8cc8-5d2141ab4872  us-east-1a
>>>    UN  103.03 GiB  256          ?
>>>    e5108a8e-cc2f-4914-a86e-fccf770e3f0f  us-east-1b
>>>    UN  129.61 GiB  256          ?
>>>    3c2efdda-8dd4-4f08-b991-9aff062a5388  us-east-1a
>>>    UN  145.28 GiB  256          ?
>>>    0a8f07ba-a129-42b0-b73a-df649bd076ef  us-east-1b
>>>    UN  149.04 GiB  256          ?
>>>    71563e86-b2ae-4d2c-91c5-49aa08386f67  us-east-1a
>>>    DN  52.41 GiB  256          ?
>>>    613b43c0-0688-4b86-994c-dc772b6fb8d2  us-east-1b
>>>    UN   195.17 GiB  256          ?
>>>    3647fcca-688a-4851-ab15-df36819910f4  us-east-1b
>>>    UN  100.67 GiB  256          ?
>>>    f43532ad-7d2e-4480-a9ce-2529b47f823d  us-east-1b
>>>    So each rack label right now matches the availability zone and we
>>>    have 3 Datacenters and 2 Availability Zone with 2 racks per DC but the
>>>    above is clearly unbalanced
>>>    If I have a keyspace with a replication factor = 3 and I want to
>>>    minimize the number of nodes to scale up and down the cluster and keep it
>>>    balanced should I consider an approach like OPTION A)
>>>    2. Node DC RACK AZ 1 read ONE us-east-1a 2 read ONE us-east-1a
>>>    3. 3 read ONE us-east-1a
>>>    4. 4 write ONE us-east-1b 5 write ONE us-east-1b
>>>    5. 6 write ONE us-east-1b
>>>    6. OPTION B)
>>>    7. Node DC RACK AZ 1 read ONE us-east-1a 2 read ONE us-east-1a
>>>    8. 3 read ONE us-east-1a
>>>    9. 4 write TWO us-east-1b 5 write TWO us-east-1b
>>>    10. 6 write TWO us-east-1b
>>>    11. *7 read ONE us-east-1c 8 write TWO us-east-1c*
>>>    12. *9 read ONE us-east-1c* Option B looks to be unbalanced and I
>>>    would exclude it OPTION C)
>>>    13. Node DC RACK AZ 1 read ONE us-east-1a 2 read ONE us-east-1b
>>>    14. 3 read ONE us-east-1c
>>>    15. 4 write TWO us-east-1a 5 write TWO us-east-1b
>>>    16. 6 write TWO us-east-1c
>>>    17.
>>>    so I am thinking of A if I have the restriction of 2 AZ but I guess
>>>    that option C would be the best. If I have to add another DC for reads
>>>    because we want to assign a new DC for each new microservice it would 
>>> look
>>>    like:
>>>       OPTION EXTRA DC For Reads
>>>       1. Node DC RACK AZ 1 read ONE us-east-1a 2 read ONE us-east-1b
>>>       2. 3 read ONE us-east-1c
>>>       3. 4 write TWO us-east-1a 5 write TWO us-east-1b
>>>       4. 6 write TWO us-east-1c 7 extra-read THREE us-east-1a
>>>       5. 8 extra-read THREE us-east-1b
>>>       6.
>>>          7.
>>>    1. 9 extra-read THREE us-east-1c
>>>       2.
>>>    The DC for *write* will replicate the data in the other datacenters.
>>>    My scope is to keep the *read* machines dedicated to serve reads and
>>>    *write* machines to serve writes. Cassandra will handle the
>>>    replication for me. Is there any other option that is I missing or wrong
>>>    assumption? I am thinking that I will write a blog post about all my
>>>    learnings so far, thank you very much for the replies Best, Sergio
>>> Il giorno mer 23 ott 2019 alle ore 10:57 Reid Pinchback <
>>> rpinchb...@tripadvisor.com> ha scritto:
>>>> No, that’s not correct.  The point of racks is to help you distribute
>>>> the replicas, not further-replicate the replicas.  Data centers are what do
>>>> the latter.  So for example, if you wanted to be able to ensure that you
>>>> always had quorum if an AZ went down, then you could have two DCs where one
>>>> was in each AZ, and use one rack in each DC.  In your situation I think I’d
>>>> be more tempted to consider that.  Then if an AZ went away, you could fail
>>>> over your traffic to the remaining DC and still be perfectly fine.
>>>> For background on replicas vs racks, I believe the information you want
>>>> is under the heading ‘NetworkTopologyStrategy’ at:
>>>> http://cassandra.apache.org/doc/latest/architecture/dynamo.html
>>>> That should help you better understand how replicas distribute.
>>>> As mentioned before, while you can choose to do the reads in one DC,
>>>> except for concerns about contention related to network traffic and
>>>> connection handling, you can’t isolate reads from writes.  You can _
>>>> *mostly*_ insulate the write DC from the activity within the read DC,
>>>> and even that isn’t an absolute because of repairs.  However, your mileage
>>>> may vary, so do what makes sense for your usage pattern.
>>>> R
>>>> *From: *Sergio <lapostadiser...@gmail.com>
>>>> *Reply-To: *"user@cassandra.apache.org" <user@cassandra.apache.org>
>>>> *Date: *Wednesday, October 23, 2019 at 12:50 PM
>>>> *To: *"user@cassandra.apache.org" <user@cassandra.apache.org>
>>>> *Subject: *Re: Cassandra Rack - Datacenter Load Balancing relations
>>>> *Message from External Sender*
>>>> Hi Reid,
>>>> Thanks for your reply. I really appreciate your explanation.
>>>> We are in AWS and we are using right now 2 Availability Zone and not 3.
>>>> We found our cluster really unbalanced because the keyspace has a
>>>> replication factor = 3 and the number of racks is 2 with 2 datacenters.
>>>> We want the writes spread across all the nodes but we wanted the reads
>>>> isolated from the writes to keep the load on that node low and to be able
>>>> to identify problems in the consumers (reads) or producers (writes)
>>>> applications.
>>>> It looks like that each rack contains an entire copy of the data so
>>>> this would lead to replicate for each rack and then for each node the
>>>> information. If I am correct if we have  a keyspace with 100GB and
>>>> Replication Factor = 3 and RACKS = 3 => 100 * 3 * 3 = 900GB
>>>> If I had only one rack across 2 or even 3 availability zone I would
>>>> save in space and I would have 300GB only. Please correct me if I am wrong.
>>>> Best,
>>>> Sergio
>>>> Il giorno mer 23 ott 2019 alle ore 09:21 Reid Pinchback <
>>>> rpinchb...@tripadvisor.com> ha scritto:
>>>> Datacenters and racks are different concepts.  While they don't have to
>>>> be associated with their historical meanings, the historical meanings
>>>> probably provide a helpful model for understanding what you want from them.
>>>> When companies own their own physical servers and have them housed
>>>> somewhere, the questions arise on where you want to locate any particular
>>>> server.  It's a balancing act on things like network speed of related
>>>> servers being able to talk to each other, versus fault-tolerance of having
>>>> many servers not all exposed to the same risks.
>>>> "Same rack" in that physical world tended to mean something like "all
>>>> behind the same network switch and all sharing the same power bus".  The
>>>> morning after an electrical glitch fries a power bus and thus everything in
>>>> that rack, you realize you wished you didn't have so many of the same type
>>>> of server together.  Well, they were servers.  Now they are door stops.
>>>> Badness and sadness.
>>>> That's kind of the mindset to have in mind with racks in Cassandra.
>>>> It's an artifact for you to separate servers into pools so that the
>>>> disparate pools have hopefully somewhat independent infrastructure risks.
>>>> However, all those servers are still doing the same kind of work, are the
>>>> same version, etc.
>>>> Datacenters are amalgams of those racks, and how similar or different
>>>> they are from each other depends on what you want to do with them.  What is
>>>> true is that if you have N datacenters, each one of them must have enough
>>>> disk storage to house all the data.  The actual physical footprint of that
>>>> data in each DC depends on the replication factors in play.
>>>> Note that you sorta can't have "one datacenter for writes" because the
>>>> writes will replicate across the data centers.  You could definitely choose
>>>> to have only one that takes read queries, but best to think of writing as
>>>> being universal.  One scenario you can have is where the DC not taking live
>>>> traffic read queries is the one you use for maintenance or performance
>>>> testing or version upgrades.
>>>> One rack makes your life easier if you don't have a reason for multiple
>>>> racks. It depends on the environment you deploy into and your fault
>>>> tolerance goals.  If you were in AWS and wanting to spread risk across
>>>> availability zones, then you would likely have as many racks as AZs you
>>>> choose to be in, because that's really the point of using multiple AZs.
>>>> R
>>>> On 10/23/19, 4:06 AM, "Sergio Bilello" <lapostadiser...@gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>      Message from External Sender
>>>>     Hello guys!
>>>>     I was reading about
>>>> https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__cassandra.apache.org_doc_latest_architecture_dynamo.html-23networktopologystrategy&d=DwIBaQ&c=9Hv6XPedRSA-5PSECC38X80c1h60_XWA4z1k_R1pROA&r=OIgB3poYhzp3_A7WgD7iBCnsJaYmspOa2okNpf6uqWc&m=xmgs1uQTlmvCtIoGJKHbByZZ6aDFzS5hDQzChDPCfFA&s=9ZDWAK6pstkCQfdbwLNsB-ZGsK64RwXSXfAkOWtmkq4&e=
>>>>     I would like to understand a concept related to the node load
>>>> balancing.
>>>>     I know that Jon recommends Vnodes = 4 but right now I found a
>>>> cluster with vnodes = 256 replication factor = 3 and 2 racks. This is
>>>> unbalanced because the racks are not a multiplier of the replication 
>>>> factor.
>>>>     However, my plan is to move all the nodes in a single rack to
>>>> eventually scale up and down the node in the cluster once at the time.
>>>>     If I had 3 racks and I would like to keep the things balanced I
>>>> should scale up 3 nodes at the time one for each rack.
>>>>     If I would have 3 racks, should I have also 3 different datacenters
>>>> so one datacenter for each rack?
>>>>     Can I have 2 datacenters and 3 racks? If this is possible one
>>>> datacenter would have more nodes than the others? Could it be a problem?
>>>>     I am thinking to split my cluster in one datacenter for reads and
>>>> one for writes and keep all the nodes in the same rack so I can scale up
>>>> once node at the time.
>>>>     Please correct me if I am wrong
>>>>     Thanks,
>>>>     Sergio
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