I'm not too familiar with the details on what's happened more recently, but
I do remember that while Rocksandra was very favorably compared to
Cassandra 2.x, the improvements looked fairly similar in nature and
magnitude to what Cassandra got from the move to the 3.x sstable format and
increased use of off-heap memory.  That might have damped a lot of the
enthusiasm for further development.

On Fri, Mar 12, 2021 at 10:50 AM Gareth Collins <gareth.o.coll...@gmail.com>

> Hi,
> I remember a couple of years ago there was some noise about Rocksandra
> (Cassandra using rocksdb for storage) and opening up Cassandra to alternate
> storage mechanisms.
> I haven't seen anything about it for a while now though. The last commit
> to Rocksandra on github was in Nov 2019. The associated JIRA items
> (CASSANDRA-13474 and CASSANDRA-13476) haven't had any activity since 2019
> either.
> I was wondering whether anyone knew anything about it. Was it decided that
> this wasn't a good idea after all (the alleged performance differences
> weren't worth it...or were exaggerated)? Or is it just that it still may be
> a good idea, but there are no resources available to make this happen (e.g.
> perhaps the original sponsor moved onto other things)?
> I ask because I was looking at RocksDB/Kafka Streams for another project
> (which may replace some functionality which currently uses Cassandra)...and
> was wondering if there could be some important info about RocksDB I may be
> missing.
> thanks in advance,
> Gareth Collins

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