As someone who watched some of the work (but wasn’t really involved), I think a 
bunch of it fizzled for various reasons

The rocks stuff was built (mostly? Completely?) by one company for their use 
case (the best kind of open source), but wasn’t in a form that was easy to 
commit upstream - the work to make clean abstractions to make it pluggable ran 
up against other priorities and ultimately slowed to a halt.

Some of the abstractions are patch available or committed, but I’m not sure if 
the rocksandra folks are likely to continue rebasing and trying to get it 
finished / upstreamed post 4.0

That said, there are indeed a ton of things in rocks I hope we adopt. 

> On Mar 12, 2021, at 10:50 AM, Gareth Collins <> 
> wrote:
> Hi,
> I remember a couple of years ago there was some noise about Rocksandra 
> (Cassandra using rocksdb for storage) and opening up Cassandra to alternate 
> storage mechanisms.
> I haven't seen anything about it for a while now though. The last commit to 
> Rocksandra on github was in Nov 2019. The associated JIRA items 
> (CASSANDRA-13474 and CASSANDRA-13476) haven't had any activity since 2019 
> either.
> I was wondering whether anyone knew anything about it. Was it decided that 
> this wasn't a good idea after all (the alleged performance differences 
> weren't worth it...or were exaggerated)? Or is it just that it still may be a 
> good idea, but there are no resources available to make this happen (e.g. 
> perhaps the original sponsor moved onto other things)?
> I ask because I was looking at RocksDB/Kafka Streams for another project 
> (which may replace some functionality which currently uses Cassandra)...and 
> was wondering if there could be some important info about RocksDB I may be 
> missing.
> thanks in advance,
> Gareth Collins

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