Pierre Brico schrieb:
> Hi all,
> I have a similar problem with my application. This is a java application
> (not using any application server).
> I use commons-logging for logging puposes and log4j as implementation. This
> is working (I mean I got the log) but it is impossible to deactivate the
> log. All log informations go to a file named "extern.log" in the directory
> from which the application is launched.
> The log level is always DEBUG (however I mentioned ERROR in the log4.xml)
> and the format is the same as
> 2008-05-29 12:57:30,829.1   [main] DEBUG com.tsdsoftware.ouat  - Environment
> used for the WS call: T24JBDEV
> I have create a commons-logging.properties file to force it to use the log4j
> implementation and avoid the discovery procedure but it didn't change
> anything to the log level.
> As my application is running on Windows with jdk1.6, I tried to trace all
> API calls to the system with Processmonitor (
> http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/bb896645.aspx?PHPSESSID=d926)
> and I saw that the JVM accessed to the log4j.xml configuration file. But the
> level stays DEBUG and the output file stays extern.log. (I'm wondering where
> this filename comes from. I searched all source files of log4j and
> commons-logging but didn't find this 'default' name).
> Any idea ?
Well I can promise you 100% that filename is nowhere within
commons-logging or any commons library. And I very much doubt it is
anywhere within log4j; log4j defaults to doing nothing when not
configured (except for writing two lines of text to stderr).

As I don't have your environment, I cannot guess what might be setting
this. But something is.


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