Hello everybody,

I'm new to SCXML and with my research group we are trying to understand if it fits our needs.

We developed our own languages to represent FSMs with different kinds of constraints (e.g. semantic assertions, time constraints, ...) and now we are evaluating whether through SCXML we can "standardize" our languages and tools.

One of our languages is named XAL and deals with FSM, time constraints (as in Timed Automata) and actions associated to the single states (an example can be found here: http://www.computervaritt.it/xal/index.php/en/tutorial/49-progettazione-dellapplicazione-.html ).

The first problem we are trying to solve is: how to extend the definition of Transition to accept custom XML nodes to be interpreted as complex conditions? E.g. we would like to express something as:

<scxml xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/07/scxml";
       datamodel="xmlns:cc="someurl" >

    <state id="a">
        <transition target="b" cond="cc:eval(//condition)" >
                <time exp="clock > 1 sec" />

    <state id="b" final="true">


In this case I have two states (a,b) and the transition a -> b is activated only when the time condition (clock > 1 sec) is true, provided a meaningful interpretation function "eval" is provided. In particular I would like to specify to the eval function the "child element" named condition

As far as I've got is possible to use the xpath data-model for this purpose (there is a similar example in appendix D.3.2 at this URL http://www.w3.org/TR/scxml/ ). Unfortunately the "datamodel" in the root attribute <scxml ...> is not supported in the current implementation of the Parser in Apache commons.

Provided all that, we are thinking about implementing an xpath datamodel for the scxml (or an ecmascript datamodel, in which case the solution would be very similar).

My questions are:
- is there any documentation explaining how to implement a new Datamodel in a standard way? - would it be possible to reach the same result without implementing a brand new Datamodel, i.e. just using the default one (so-called null-datamodel)?

Any suggestion would be very helpful. Thanks in advance :)

Francesco Spegni

Post Doc
Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'Informazione (DII)
Università Politecnica delle Marche
via Brecce Bianche, 60131 Ancona, Italy

Phone: (+39) 328-8694618
Web: http://www.manuefra.eu
Skype: francesco.spegni

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