On 03/12/2012 16:02, Jacob Beard wrote:
Hi Francesco,
Hi Jacob,

thanks for your solution that I've read with interest. First of all, your solution has a minor issue I'm concerned about:

- in Statecharts, AFAIK, the notion of timeout implies that something must be executed after a known amount of time; in the semantics I've in mind, borrowed from Timed Automata, a transition is enabled/disabled in certain time-windows. This means that nothing *happens* but something *can happen* (non deterministically) when the condition is true ... but this may be a minor issue, because it happened that our work stemmed from Timed Automata

A major concern we have is that right now we have in mind more complex expressions. For instance, at the moment we consider two kinds of conditions on transitions:
- time conditions that enable/disable a transition;
- a conjunctive boolean formula, that refers to a finite set of propositions in description logic;
- a combination of the above two.

This apparently heterogeneous language is aimed at describing parametrized FSMs (i.e. FSM with an undefined number of running "instances") to reason on timed and RESTful services. Due to the fact that the research project is a work-in-progress, the "shape" of those expressions are not yet definitive and may change, so we'd figure leveraging the flexibility of SCXML (in particular its datamodel) would give us a more "stable" ground to work on, possibly re-using the base Apache Commons libraries and Eclipse editor, and maybe extend it.


The example you describe looks like the special "timeout" event described
by Harel in his original papers on Statechart semantics:

If so, this event can be implemented in SCXML as a transformation, as in
the following example: https://gist.github.com/4195449

In this example, on entering state "a", the event "$timeout_1" is scheduled
to be sent after 1 second. If the state is exited before that time, the
scheduled event will be cancelled via the <cancel> action. If the machine
stays in state "a", and after 1 second the event is sent, then the
transition in state "a" with event "$transition_1" will be selected, and
the machine will leave state "a" and enter state "b".

This transformation can be implemented easily in a language like XSLT.
Therefore, SCXML should be able to handle your example out of the box. Does
your application have other, more complex requirements for transition


On Mon, Dec 3, 2012 at 9:30 AM, Francesco Spegni <francesco.spe...@gmail.com
The first problem we are trying to solve is: how to extend the definition
of Transition to accept custom XML nodes to be interpreted as complex
conditions? E.g. we would like to express something as:

<scxml xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/**07/scxml<http://www.w3.org/2005/07/scxml>
        datamodel="xmlns:cc="someurl" >

     <state id="a">
         <transition target="b" cond="cc:eval(//condition)" >
                 <time exp="clock > 1 sec" />

     <state id="b" final="true">


Francesco Spegni

"Ama le nuvole, le macchine, i libri, ma prima di tutto ama l'uomo" -
Nazim Hikmet

skype: francesco.spegni

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