On 26.02.2011, at 08:21, Zdravko Gligic wrote:

> OK, I have downloaded, unzipped, clicked on WinCouch.exe and it all
> works - which is great!

> I need to replace WinCouch.exe with an Adobe AIR desktop application -
> either replace it or somehow transparently embed it within my AIR app.
> However, I am not sure if it's .NET that provides all of the
> necessary glue magic that makes integration with all of those *.dll's
> possible or if that can be done from any other environment.

No experience with Adobe AIR but you can have a look here 

> So for example, would it be possible to replace .NET with Python or
> Java and end up with a similar Windows app that starts CouchDB, it's
> internal server and whatever else might be happening behind the
> scenes?  If so, then I might be in luck with Adobe AIR.  In any case,
> when might the source code get posted - unless it's there and I can
> not find it ?

In the next version I am going to add some extras for more control on the way 
how the application and the CouchDB server can be started.
Right now I don't have time for coding but I am going to put the source on the 
github as soon i get time for this.

There is nothing special on staring the couchdb server. You can take a look on 
the bin/couchdb.bat it is one line "erl.exe -sasl errlog_type error -s couch". 
The disadvantage of this will be the console window visible behind. In WinCouch 
 the server is started as a process created from a winform app and the form is 
then hidden but is still accessible from a taskbar icon. Another option is to 
start the couchdb server as a windows service by using erlsrv: 
http://www.erlang.org/doc/man/erlsrv.html and have a look on the installer file 
from the couchdb sources etc/windows/couchdb.iss.tpl.

> Thanks again.

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