"there’s no notion of read-protection in CouchDB."

There’s no document level read protection, but you can certainly grant or deny 
read access to users on a per database basis. That’s by design due to the ease 
that information could leak out through views (particularly reduce views). The 
restrictive proxy approach is brittle, it requires that you know all the URL 
patterns to block and keep them up to date when you upgrade CouchDB. It can 
work, it’s just not awesome.



On 1 Jan 2014, at 20:47, Jens Alfke <j...@couchbase.com> wrote:

> On Dec 31, 2013, at 1:44 AM, meredrica <st...@meredrica.org> wrote:
>> I expose CouchDB directly to mobile clients and wanted to hide some 
>> information from them.
> You can’t really do that; there’s no notion of read-protection in CouchDB.
> As a workaround you can put CouchDB behind a proxy or gateway, and restrict 
> the URL patterns that clients are allowed to send.
> —Jens

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