Hi Ronny,

For me “a-ha” moment was to realise that design document is just an ordinary 
CouchDB document, so it can be created and updated with any http client: curl, 
httpie, whatnot. I’ve writed up a gist with basic demo on using curl for that: 

Key moments to notice there that while updating design document it must have 
revision and that value of “map” is a string, but it need to be a proper 
javascript, as it’ll be evaluated as such.

So yes, it is easily possible to manage design documents without third party 

Sorry, I don’t know the answer on your third question, I’m more of a command 
line guy.


> On Aug 11, 2017, at 15:44, Ronny Berndt <ro...@kioskkinder.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have some questions regarding the edit of design documents:
> 1. What is the best way to edit design documents locally and upload it to 
> couchdb?
> 2. Is it easily possible without third party tools like couchapp or 
> couchdb-bootstrap?
> 3. How can I add a list function in Fauxton?
> Cheers, Ronny

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