One way of going about this is to use a tool like couchdb-compile 
<>). You then edit your ddoc on disk using 
that format (which is also convenient to commit to source control, diff it 
nicely etc) and when you want to push it to a server compile it and push it up.

There are probably a million tools like this, but this is the one we use (along 
with kanso, but that has been deprecated and so isn't what you're looking for). 
I don't know if there is an official CouchDB suggestion for this sort of thing.

> On 14 Aug 2017, at 15:50, Ronny Berndt <> wrote:
> Hi Eric,
> thank you for your answer.
> My problem is, if you get the design doc, you get one line of json (no 
> linebreaks, etc…).
> How to reformat to 
> 1. a doc with linebreaks to easily edit the file
> 2. reformat two one line (or isn’T it necessary for the upload)?
> all with command line tools (or automatic after downloading/uploading)?
> Regards, Ronny
>> Am 14.08.2017 um 16:13 schrieb Eiri <>:
>> Hi Ronny,
>> For me “a-ha” moment was to realise that design document is just an ordinary 
>> CouchDB document, so it can be created and updated with any http client: 
>> curl, httpie, whatnot. I’ve writed up a gist with basic demo on using curl 
>> for that:
>> Key moments to notice there that while updating design document it must have 
>> revision and that value of “map” is a string, but it need to be a proper 
>> javascript, as it’ll be evaluated as such.
>> So yes, it is easily possible to manage design documents without third party 
>> tools.
>> Sorry, I don’t know the answer on your third question, I’m more of a command 
>> line guy.
>> Regards,
>> Eric 
>>> On Aug 11, 2017, at 15:44, Ronny Berndt <> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I have some questions regarding the edit of design documents:
>>> 1. What is the best way to edit design documents locally and upload it to 
>>> couchdb?
>>> 2. Is it easily possible without third party tools like couchapp or 
>>> couchdb-bootstrap?
>>> 3. How can I add a list function in Fauxton?
>>> Cheers, Ronny

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