Thanks for the hint, couchdb-compile looks nice!

If i search for that, i saw jq as json tool.

jq formats the key/value pairs of the json well, but i doesn’t see a 
possibility to
format the line breaks in the functions (e.g. map) itself? 
So after download \n has to be converted to a real linebreak. couchdb-compile 
will escape to linebreak to \n…

Regards, Ronny

> Am 14.08.2017 um 17:24 schrieb Eiri <e...@eiri.ca>:
> To the first one any pretty printing command line utility will work, I really 
> like jq (https://stedolan.github.io/jq/)
> So with my example just piping to jq with no arguments gives formatted json 
> which then could be sent to file:
> $ curl http://localhost:5984/koi/_design/ddoc -s | jq .
> {
>  "_id": "_design/ddoc",
>  "_rev": "2-969b8f6ac9911b15c7884d9d5d527093",
>  "views": {
>    "name": {
>      "map": "function(doc) { emit(doc.name, doc.age); }"
>    }
>  }
> }
> $ curl http://localhost:5984/koi/_design/ddoc -s | jq . > ddoc2.json
> In reality jq is much more powerful tool, so check it out if you haven’t seen 
> it before.
> For the second one, if I understand the question correctly, no, a design 
> document doesn’t need to be no-linebreaks json. As long as its values are 
> strings and evaluates to a proper javascript it could be formatted as 
> necessary, json and javascript function parts alike, i.e. the following is 
> perfectly valid design document:
> {
>  "_id": "_design/ddoc",
>  "_rev": "2-969b8f6ac9911b15c7884d9d5d527093",
>  "views": {
>    "name": {
>      "map": "function(doc) {
>         var name = doc.name;
>         var age = doc.age;
>         emit(name, age); 
>      }"
>    }
>  }
> }
> Regards,
> Eric
>> On Aug 14, 2017, at 11:50, Ronny Berndt <ro...@kioskkinder.com> wrote:
>> Hi Eric,
>> thank you for your answer.
>> My problem is, if you get the design doc, you get one line of json (no 
>> linebreaks, etc…).
>> How to reformat to 
>> 1. a doc with linebreaks to easily edit the file
>> 2. reformat two one line (or isn’T it necessary for the upload)?
>> all with command line tools (or automatic after downloading/uploading)?
>> Regards, Ronny
>>> Am 14.08.2017 um 16:13 schrieb Eiri <e...@eiri.ca>:
>>> Hi Ronny,
>>> For me “a-ha” moment was to realise that design document is just an 
>>> ordinary CouchDB document, so it can be created and updated with any http 
>>> client: curl, httpie, whatnot. I’ve writed up a gist with basic demo on 
>>> using curl for that: 
>>> https://gist.github.com/eiri/70e3a44421ade7f01d4394ef08f80091
>>> Key moments to notice there that while updating design document it must 
>>> have revision and that value of “map” is a string, but it need to be a 
>>> proper javascript, as it’ll be evaluated as such.
>>> So yes, it is easily possible to manage design documents without third 
>>> party tools.
>>> Sorry, I don’t know the answer on your third question, I’m more of a 
>>> command line guy.
>>> Regards,
>>> Eric 
>>>> On Aug 11, 2017, at 15:44, Ronny Berndt <ro...@kioskkinder.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I have some questions regarding the edit of design documents:
>>>> 1. What is the best way to edit design documents locally and upload it to 
>>>> couchdb?
>>>> 2. Is it easily possible without third party tools like couchapp or 
>>>> couchdb-bootstrap?
>>>> 3. How can I add a list function in Fauxton?
>>>> Cheers, Ronny

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